jeudi, octobre 11


"La musique met l'âme en harmonie avec tout ce qui l'entoure"_OscarWilde.

Love love love ! ça met un peu de peps dans ce temps maussade, ou les feuille dorées tombent des arbres et virevoltent dans un dernier sursaut...

mardi, octobre 9


"La musique met l'âme en harmonie avec tout ce qui l'entoure"_OscarWilde.

( The Lateness Of The Hour , 2012)
You know I'm not one to break promises
I don't wanna hurt you but I need to breathe
At the end of it all, you're still my best friend
But there's something inside that I need to release
Which way is right? Which way is wrong?
How do I say that I need to move on
You know we're heading separate ways

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way

You've given me more than I can return
Yet there's oh so much that you deserve
There's nothing to say, nothing to do
I've nothing to give, I must live without you
You know we're heading separate ways

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way…
So I'll be on my way

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way…
So I'll be on my way…
So I'll be on my way



"La musique met l'âme en harmonie avec tout ce qui l'entoure"_OscarWilde.

(Every Kingdom, 2011)

Je croyais l'avoir posté d'un coté ou d'un autre, mais finalement,
même en cherchant bien,
aucune trace de ce petit bijou dans mes annales!
What a Shame on me !

Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely, now that there's nowhere to go.
Watching from both sides, these clock towers burning up,
I lost my time here, i lost my patience with it all.

We lost faith, in the arms of love.

Where you been hiding lately, where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately, we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely, now that there's nowhere to go.
Watching from both sides, these towers been tumbling down,
I lost my mind here, I lost my patience with the lord.

We lost faith, oh in the arms of love

Where you been hiding lately, where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately, we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

We lost faith, in the arms of love.

+ |more|

dimanche, octobre 7


"La musique met l'âme en harmonie avec tout ce qui l'entoure"_OscarWild

Je les loves eux !!! Je veux savoir la jouer au piano. En plus, ça sonne jazzy donc ça doit pas être bien compliqué tout ça !
PS: si quelqu'un a les partitions, je suis preneuse !
If you had the score of the song, send me them !  Tks


"La musique met l'âme en harmonie avec tout ce qui l'entoure"_OscarWilde.

(Dig Out Your Soul, 2010)

Petit Bonus +

Le son du soir, voili voilou ! (Des classiques, de temps en temps, mais c'est pas ma faute, c'est le manque d'inspi et ... de sommeil ! )